Why do I see budgetcheck-hl.com on my bank statement?

If you see budgetcheck-hl.com on your bank statement, it is because you have purchased a membership with budgetcheck.io. You have received a welcome e-mail with login credentials to budgetcheck.io after the initial membership purchase. Please check your inbox for that email.

Find your membership

If you have any questions please contact our team.

Find answers to frequently asked questions here

O Budget Check é um planeador financeiro pessoal facilitado através da Web, que lhe permite utilizar diversas ferramentas e funções para consolidar e monitorizar as suas informações financeiras. Utilize um painel de controlo e uma interface simples para monitorizar as suas despesas e para gerir todas as suas fontes de rendimento e todas as suas transações quotidianas. Não precisa de associar nenhuma conta bancária. Basta importar as suas transações manualmente, sem ter de se preocupar com a confidencialidade das suas informações. Connosco, estará sempre em segurança! Estabeleça um orçamento realista, execute análises financeiras e obtenha uma visão clara dos seus hábitos de despesa. Bastam apenas alguns minutos por dia para nunca mais perder o controlo das suas finanças. A Budget Check também pode incluir um resumo de crédito e um sistema de pontuação de crédito. Poderá receber sugestões e recomendações de caráter geral para o ajudarmos a poupar mais, e até poderá receber alertas, a fim de garantir o pagamento atempado das suas contas. A escolha das ferramentas que lhe fazem falta fica nas suas mãos.

If you see budgetcheck-hl.com on your bank statement, it is because you have purchased a membership with budgetcheck.io.

You have received a welcome e-mail with login credentials to budgetcheck.io after the initial membership purchase. Please check your inbox for that email.

There are several ways in which you can cancel your membership on our website:

- Log in to your account, go to your Profile, and click “Cancel Membership” button

- Go to “Cancel Membership” page of your account and click the “Cancel Membership” button

- Cancel it directly through this support page. To do this, go to the section titled “Find Your Membership” and enter your email and the last 4 digits of your credit card in the dedicated fields. Click the “Search” button, and you will easily find your membership. Then, click the offered “Cancel Membership” button

- Simply contact our support agents and request membership termination

If you have issues finding your login credentials, please contact customer support.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +353 51 550019

welcome.Customer support is open Monday to Friday from 08.00 AM - 23.00 PM (Time zone: +2 GMT) and will do our best to guide you and answer your questions within 48 hours on weekdays and we are closed in the weekends.

An invoice is created whenever we bill your credit card, and you can look for it under 'My Account > Orders'.

Yes, we offer a 100% refund guarantee on all orders where you request a refund within 14 days of the purchase.

We hope you will love everything that you order from us but if something isn’t quite right, you have 14 days to request a refund under the refund guarantee. All other cases have to be reviewed by the customer support team, and a decision is made on a case by case basis.

To request a refund, please contact the customer support team.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +353 51 550019

welcome.Customer support is open Monday to Friday from 08.00 AM - 23.00 PM (Time zone: +2 GMT) and will do our best to guide you and answer your questions within 48 hours on weekdays and we are closed in the weekends.

Contact us